Why Choose Us

Not your average

PINCA looks at distribution differently

At PINCA we take great pride in our implication and engagement at every step of the process. Our dedicated and hard-working team are knowledgeable and deeply involved all the way down to the minute details that make running a successful and resilient toy distribution business possible.

Our goal is to build long lasting partnerships, and so we work tirelessly to ensure that we are meeting the expectations of both suppliers and retailers through regular touch-points and feedback surveys.

Based on our feedback surveys, here is why you can rely on PINCA to be your #1 partner:

The PINCA Model

The PINCA Model is centered around the children, our cherished end users. The formula is simple, get the best products from the best brands using the best process to today’s children.

Process + Partners: Our well-crafted and detail-oriented processes are created with change in mind so they can be applied easily and also adapted to the ever-evolving market.


Partners + Products: Our brands provide us with the product range we need and our retailers offer us the reach to a wide range of end customers. We consider each side of the supply chain to be of equal value and importance. Distribution 101.


Products + Process: Getting the right product at the right time to the right consumer with continuous research and through a strong sales, marketing & operations team is why we continue to be relevant and one step ahead of our competition. 

Our Achievements

Here is why you can rely on PINCA to be your #1 partner:


Brands Represented


Stores Covered

